
‘Joe Morrissey is no Marion Barry’

11/4/2016, 9:31 p.m.

The political advertisement in the Richmond Free Press of black women standing alongside mayoral candidate Joe Morrissey is mind-boggling. Mr. Morrissey’s personal behavior would be well in line within the social norms of the 1800s, when a white male could do whatever he desired with black girls and women without suffering any repercussions.

What senior black man can enter into a relationship with a teenage girl of any race against the angry protest of her father, lie about the relationship, eventually impregnate her and show his face in public, let alone run for public office?

The citizens of Washington, D.C., once supported Marion Barry for mayor even though he was exposed for womanizing and drug use. The prevailing rationale was he was set up. More importantly, he had a history of service to the district, producing government and private sector jobs for the people, as well as an increase in community services.

Joe Morrissey is no Marion Barry. He has behaved foolishly and now wants to be held in high esteem. If he wants to serve the community and his young offspring, let him find some other way to do so.

It’s also disheartening that the Richmond Crusade for Voters endorsed him. I wonder if founder Dr. William Thornton would approve? If Mr. Morrissey garners the support of his father-in-law, maybe I would consider him worthy.


Henrico County