
Republicans ‘cloak their racism’ in the law

11/4/2016, 9:28 p.m.

The Republicans are practicing a scorched-earth policy toward the black people of America. Their evil policy extends also to white people not white enough to go along with them. The thought of black people thriving and succeeding in this country is abhorrent to the likes of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani — all Republicans — and U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. Their organizations like A.L.E.C. and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce speak volumes about their intent.

Racism is at their very core. They are sophisticated in their approach. They are in powerful positions to execute it.

Chief Justice Roberts gutted the federal Voting Rights Act. They know how to cloak their racism in lawful terms.

Sen. Cruz and A.L.E.C. are pushing for “Stand Your Ground” laws in every state to give white people the right to shoot black people.

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is a proud poster boy for their in-your-face racism. Their feigned indignation over his groping is an over-the-top drama queen routine. When Donald Trump was making racist remarks and using discriminatory housing practices against black people, that was fine with the Republicans. Donald Trump being horrible to President Obama delighted the Republicans.

The Republicans’ phony indignation is just as phony as them having any semblance of humanity.

