
Free Press readers react to Nov. 8 presidential election 2

11/19/2016, 12:37 p.m.

After receiving the presidential election results, it has felt like a nightmare for so many.

But I’m gonna stay right here until my Jesus comes, and fight the forward fight against the purely evil trinity of racism, classism and sexism. Yes, right here at home in America.

 I’m gonna serve right here until my Jesus comes, and fight the forward fight against the strategically evil trinity of racism, classism and sexism everywhere it raises its evil head economically, socially and politically.

I’m gonna pray right here until my Jesus comes, and fight the forward fight against the morally evil trinity of racism, classism and sexism. For the real-life, jagged-edged struggle for civil and human rights right here in America and abroad continues!!!

Now is the time to tap into our true divine purpose and serve God as never before by serving hurting humanity right here in America. The hurting humanity all around us is in tremendous need of overwhelming inner healing and essential wholeness for the deeply wounded soul of America.

I call on all spiritual, community and government leaders to come together as never before to make a meaningful and lasting difference in the lives of our people.

Rev. Arthur L. Mackey Jr.

Roosevelt, N.Y.

The writer is senior pastor of Mount Sinai Baptist Church Cathedral in New York