
How will Donald Trump’s win impact your life?

11/19/2016, 10:03 a.m.
“Hopefully, his tax plan will benefit the working class and middle class. I’m kind of excited, though, because I feel …

Interviews by Lauren Northington and photos by Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press

Marcus White

West End of Richmond

Marcus White

Marcus White

“As far as him actually keeping his promises to America, I’m going to give him a shot because he is our president. But I’m not expecting anything from him.

“I am anxious to see how the ‘stop and search’ among minorities will go down once he gets into office. I was anxious to see prison reform, but I don’t think anything will come about.”

Kenny Ellis

Kenny Ellis

Kenny Ellis

Louisville, Ky.

“I have a felony from Kentucky so I was not able to vote. I would have voted for Hillary, but it is what it is. It just seems like she would have been a better president than Trump.”

Tara Clary

Tara Clary

South Side of Richmond

“Hopefully, his tax plan will benefit the working class and middle class. I’m kind of excited, though, because I feel like he’s a wild card, and I’m interested in seeing how it’s going to play out. I think the White House will humble him. He has no choice but to be humble. Maybe with people surrounding him,  he’ll get the wisdom to run the White House effectively.”

Travis Johnson

Travis Johnson

Travis Johnson

Highland Springs

“I can’t believe he actually made it to become the Republican representative for president of this country. That says a lot about the people of this country. So we need to get it together. ...When I was in the Army, everyone we were fighting in Afghanistan looked just like us. It’s not our war, it’s not our conflict. They are us; they just got taken over by a different group of people.”

Amy Wildermann

Amy Wildermann

Amy Wildermann


“I’m concerned about who he is looking to appoint as head of the EPA, a climate change denier who obviously doesn’t believe in science. So who knows what he’s going to do for environmental protection. I’m concerned about his usage of racial slurs … I don’t want him to take away Obamacare. … There are a lot of things I’m worried about.”

Loraine Edwards

Loraine Edwards

Lorraine Edwards


“I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that ultimately he cares about the country and he’s going to try and make decisions that help everybody. His history does not demonstrate that, but I’m hoping that the enormity of this position, the reality of it, sends him in a different direction. Now, him choosing Stephen Bannon as his policy adviser doesn’t suggest that we’re going down a good path. But I’m still going to try and withhold a little bit of judgment and not get into a panic.”