
Scott for U.S. Senate

9/2/2016, 6:34 p.m.

What happens if the Democrats win the presidential election in November, and Tim Kaine, who represents Virginia in the U.S. Senate, becomes the vice president?

Who would fill his vacant Senate seat?

We believe Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott is far and away the clear choice to go to the Senate.

Rep. Scott has represented the City of Richmond with great skill and knowledge in Congress since first being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1992.

During his 24 years in office, Rep. Scott has authored and supported education, health and criminal justice reforms to address many of the inequities that have crippled our community.

He helped negotiate the final version of the federal “Every Student Succeeds Act” that replaced President George W. Bush’s “No Child Left Behind Act” that had disastrous consequences for our children and many urban school districts.

He authored the Death in Custody Reporting Act that requires states and federal law enforcement agencies to report to the U.S. Justice Department information about people who die while in their custody, including during arrest. The law, which was passed by Congress and signed into law in December 2014 by President Obama, remains the only legislation enacted by Congress related to police shootings since the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014.

He also worked on the legislation that created the Affordable Care Act, which has allowed millions of people across the nation to be covered by health insurance without consideration for pre-existing medical conditions.

And there’s more — lots more.

Rep. Scott’s efforts have helped shore up and boost federal funding for historically black colleges and universities, including Virginia Union University and Virginia State University.

He has helped secure money for the renovation of Main Street Station, Bus Rapid Transit service in Richmond and for Virginia Commonwealth University and its medical center Downtown.

In April 2015, he introduced the “Raise the Wage Act” to increase the minimum wage to $12 an hour by 2020.

Unlike many others serving in Congress, Rep. Scott, a Democrat, has adroitly worked across the aisle with Republicans. His success hasn’t been dependent on which political party holds the majority in Congress or the presidency.

Looking back even further, Rep. Scott has a 40-year record of solid and admirable public service. He represented Newport News in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1978 to 1983, and the state Senate from 1983 to 1993, when he went to Congress.

He understands the political process and has learned well how to maneuver with success.

We regret that the city was moved during redistricting earlier this year from his district — the 3rd District —and put into the 4th District, which was represented at the time by someone whose voting record proved he knew little and cared even less about the concerns of this city and the African-American community.

If Sen. Kaine becomes the nation’s next vice president, the selection for a replacement would rest with Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

Reliable and unreliable sources claim the governor may be looking to make history by announcing a “diversity” pick for the seat — meaning the governor may choose a woman, an ethnic minority or some combination because it would be the first time in history that Virginia would be represented in the Senate by such a person.

We reject this insulting thinking.

And we believe that Gov. McAuliffe, although no stranger to political optics, would be more discerning in making such an important decision.

While Rep. Scott was the first African-American since 1890 to be elected to Congress from Virginia and also is of Filipino ancestry, competence and vision should be the criteria, both of which he has.

His continuous work, his commitment to the people of Virginia and to the concerns of our community, are demonstrated by his years of service and the results he has achieved. He understands the needs of our community and works harder to bring positive results than many other politicians.

We would expect Gov. Terry McAuliffe to make the only choice that makes sense for the people of the Commonwealth — and that is Rep. Scott.