
Trump ‘talking loud and saying nothing’

9/9/2016, 7:20 p.m.

Donald Trump is not fit to be the U.S. commander in chief.


  1. He is without a doubt a racist.

  2. He is a bigot.

  3. He is not a Christian.

According to the Bible, 1 John 4:20, how can you love God whom you have never seen and not love your brother whom you see every day?

In Matthew 22:39, God commands us to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Mr. Trump, read your Bible. It’s in there.

Mr. Trump has no plan for immigration except deporting the Mexicans and the Latinos out of this country. They will never be able to re-enter.

Don’t be fooled by Mr. Trump’s rhetoric. Where was all that big talk when he went to Mexico?

Mr. Trump is just talking loud and saying nothing.

To the black preachers who support Donald Trump, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Show some self-respect. Don’t sell your people short. We know a snake when we see one. 

