
‘We took oath so that he would have the freedom to do what he did’

9/9/2016, 7:19 p.m.

Veterans defend 49ers quarterback

I am a veteran of two branches of our armed forces, and I support the actions of Colin Kaepernick without reservation.

I and my fellow veterans took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. When we did that, we were preserving the right of every American to have the right and the freedom to live in a free and democratic society. In effect, we took that oath so that Mr. Kaepernick would have the freedom and the right to do what he did in the manner he chose.

The criticism he received is disappointing. It is also in appropriate.

One school of thought claimed that his manner of protest was offensive.

When did protesting become non-offensive to the status quo? Did we have to consult with the fellow tea drinkers to see if they would be offended by the dumping of tea into the Boston Harbor?

An African-American athlete chooses to exercise his right to protest and all of a sudden he is not doing it right. Mr. Kaepernick did not and does not need to check with anyone prior to exercising his right to protest in whatever manner he chooses.

The American people who criticize him can’t have it both ways. They cannot condemn someone for being politically correct and then turn and condemn Mr. Kaepernick for not being politically correct for protesting in his way.

