
‘Right on, Mr. Kaepernick’

9/16/2016, 7:50 p.m.

Re “49ers quarterback under fire for sitting during national anthem,” Sept. 1-3 edition:

I read with great interest your article concerning Colin Kaepernick. It did indeed take great courage to voice his convictions concerning the national anthem and its doctrines and dogmas.

What a pity that those who tried to silence him did not know the history of both the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem, not to mention the history of the United States replete with slavery, drug traffic, plunder of the Americas and wars of extermination. We must not forget eugenics, torture, neutering, witch hunts and the KKK.

Even now these hypocrites seek to deny equality under the law to several minorities. Black folks are not the only ones to experience the wrath of their bigotry.

Right on, Mr. Kaepernick! Tell it like it is. Do not be silenced! The truth shall make you free!

