
Trump and control

2/28/2017, 8:44 a.m.

President Trump has been addressing the people for the last year and a half. Most of what he has said has been in terms of blame, shame and justification. These are not the terms of someone speaking from a position of power. They are the terms used by someone speaking from a victim mentality, someone seeking to control through guilt or shame.

Leaders who speak with power speak in terms of responsibility. Their power comes from leading others who follow a common, higher ideal.

Nelson Mandela, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and Presidents Kennedy and Obama all spoke in terms of power.

President Trump has been speaking to us in terms of control and being a victim of the “system.”

In her book “Destiny,” local author Sylvia Clute develops the “Seven Spiritual Principles for Governing a People.” The very first principle is “Fear shall never be used to manipulate the people,” yet that is one of the first things the present administration has done with the immigration ban.

How did we make it through the last eight years without having any sense of insecurity like that placed on us within the first week of the Trump presidency?

Do we, the people, really want this type of national administration to continue for the next four years? Isn’t now the time to let our voices be heard?

Please let our senators and congressmen know what you want done to make America great again.

