
‘March on Monument’ set for Saturday

1/13/2017, 7:12 p.m.
A Richmond march on seven blocks of Monument Avenue is to take place this weekend to promote social justice and …

A Richmond march on seven blocks of Monument Avenue is to take place this weekend to promote social justice and serve as a counterpoint to Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration as the 45th president.

The aim, say organizers of the March on Monument, is to “peacefully assemble as one diverse and inclusive community to send a message that Richmonders are standing up for those in danger of oppression and being marginalized.”

“We aim to galvanize our diverse community and move forward in positive action together,” according to a statement on the march’s Facebook site.

Open to all, the march will be 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14. The marchers will walk on Monument between North Allen and the Boulevard.

Organizers have not said why they chose to march in the shadow of statues to Confederate defenders of slavery, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson.

The Richmond march is an offshoot of the Women’s March on Washington to be held in the nation’s capital on Saturday, Jan. 21, to protest President-elect Trump’s inauguration.

Local march organizers are asking community groups and nonprofits to bring information about their organizations for networking.