
A new sheriff in town

6/16/2017, 1:28 p.m.

Move over, C.T. There’s a new sheriff in town.

Literally, after the November election, there will be a new sheriff in the City of Richmond.

C.T. Woody Jr., who has served as the Richmond sheriff since 2006, was defeated in a stunning primary upset Tuesday night. The former longtime police detective-turned-sheriff lost to Antionette V. Irving, a retired major in the Henrico Sheriff’s Office, by less than 900 votes.

The loss is a lesson in both the pitfall of complacency — Sheriff Woody did little campaigning — and the reward of persistence. This was the third time Ms. Irving challenged Sheriff Woody for the job.

Sheriff Woody has done a commendable job in Richmond, starting with replacing the old city jail and its overcrowded, inhumane conditions. He has instituted various programs to help inmates shake drug problems, get an education, stay connected to their families and find jobs upon their release. He has sought and won national accreditation for the office according to voluntary standards set up by a law enforcement professional standards association.

Still, Ms. Irving’s campaign for further improvement on inmate treatment and medical care resonated with the voters.

She is expected to face two independent challengers in the November general election.

We thank Sheriff Woody for his public service and wish him all the best during the transition.

We also wish Ms. Irving the best in the weeks ahead. The voters in Richmond will be watching.