
Superintendent search firm to be announced Monday

6/24/2017, 11:47 a.m.
The Richmond School Board will approve a search firm to help with its search for a new schools superintendent during …


The Richmond School Board will approve a search firm to help with its search for a new schools superintendent during a special board meeting on Monday, June 26.

Richmond Public Schools Superintendent Dana T. Bedden’s last day on the job is June 30. Thomas K. Kranz, the school system’s chief operating officer, will take over as interim superintendent on July 1 until a permanent hire is selected.

The committee, which includes RPS representatives, teachers, parents and members of local advocacy groups such as Support Our Schools and the Richmond Branch NAACP, will evaluate candidate recommendations from the search firm.

The committee will have several responsibilities, including résumé review and checking candidates’ references.

“We are elected to do a job, and our ultimate responsibility is to hire a new superintendent,” said School Board chair Dawn Page.

She pointed out common characteristics for an ideal candidate that arose from a series of public forums in May — personable, a good communicator, approachable, traditional education background and a proven track record of success.

The board expects to select a new superintendent by September.