
Regional registration for kindergarten April 20

3/30/2017, 10:53 p.m.
Registration for youngsters in 150 public elementary schools around the Richmond region is Thursday, April 20. This marks the sixth …

Registration for youngsters in 150 public elementary schools around the Richmond region is Thursday, April 20.

This marks the sixth year a regional registration day will be held for 13 school districts in and around Richmond.

The event is coordinated by Smart Beginnings Greater Richmond in an effort to have parents get the needed paperwork together in time for registration.

Children who are 5 by Sept. 30 may start kindergarten in the fall, but they must be registered.

The regional event covers public schools in Richmond, Petersburg, Hopewell and Colonial Heights and in the counties of Henrico, Hanover, Chesterfield, New Kent, Powhatan, Dinwiddie, Prince George, Goochland and King William.

Required documents for kindergarten registration include:

• Child’s official, certified birth certificate;

• Two proofs of address;

• Photo identification for parent or legal guardian; and

• School Entrance Health Form.

The health form may be turned in before the first day of school.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend registration even if they don’t have all the needed documents.

In Richmond, more than 4,000 students were not registered on time last year, officials said.

“Children start learning as soon as they are born,” said Monica Callahan, director of outreach and development for Smart Beginnings Greater Richmond.

“Every day, there are teachable moments that parents can use to prepare their child to be ready for school.”

Among the activities she recommended to help get children ready for kindergarten are to read and look at books with children, stick to a regular bedtime and wake-up time, practice counting objects such as cereal or crayons, find and name the letters of the alphabet, have them play with children their own age and practice using scissors and crayons.

For more information about kindergarten registration: www.SmartBeginningsRVA.org or call 211 for information on specific school districts.