
Get ready to vote

5/20/2017, 7:43 a.m.

On Tuesday, June 13, Virginia voters will go to the polls to choose a candidate to run on the Democratic or Republican tickets for governor and lieutenant governor.

In some localities including Richmond, the primary election also will include candidates vying to represent their political party in the November general election for the House of Delegates and for local offices.

The deadline to register to vote in the June 13 primary is Monday, May 22.

If you already are to registered to vote, we applaud you.

If you aren’t yet registered, or need to change the information on your current registration, we urge you to do it by Monday’s deadline.

Details on how to register: www.elections.virginia.gov/registration/how-to-register/index.html or call the Virginia Department of Elections, (804) 864-8901.

Democracy works only when you exercise your rights. The right to vote is paramount, and one we cannot take for granted.

Register now and be ready to vote on Tuesday, June 13.