
Let the questions begin

5/20/2017, 7:41 a.m.

The nation moved one step closer to learning the truth about President Trump and his connections to the Russians with the appointment Wednesday of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special prosecutor in the unfolding investigation.

Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is what we need right now following a week of bombshells involving the man in the White House.

Among the latest actions and allegations:

  • President Trump acknowledging leaking highly classified information gleaned from Israeli allies to Russian officials in the Oval Office.

  • James Comey, the FBI head who was leading the probe into the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with the Russians to throw the 2016 presidential campaign to Mr. Trump, being fired.

  • Mr. Comey’s friends disclosing contents of a memo he wrote following a February dinner conversation with President Trump, in which the president asked Mr. Comey to drop the criminal investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn.

  • President Trump suggesting in a tweet that he may have taped his conversations with Mr. Comey.

  • And Russian President Vladimir Putin saying Wednesday that he can provide transcripts of the meeting Russian officials had with President Trump in the Oval Office.

This is becoming a scandal even Olivia Pope can’t handle.

By firing Mr. Comey, President Trump widely opened himself to claims of obstruction of justice and abuse of power as well.

We ask what is this special affinity President Trump seems to have with and for the Russians? What happened to his campaign and inaugural claims of putting America first?

And for all the conservatives in Congress who had a lot to say when former President Obama was in office — “No drama Obama” — why are they so silent now when the nation’s chief executive is trampling on the Constitution and the rule of law?

We urge Mr. Mueller to use all tools at his disposal to get at the truth for the sake of the American people and our democracy.

We urge him to subpoena any tapes President Trump may have. We also urge Mr. Mueller to subpoena President Trump’s tax returns and release them to the public.

The No. 1 mission for everyone in Washington right now should be to help President Trump come clean.

Let the questions begin.