
Callista Gingrich to be nominated as ambassador to the Vatican

Free Press wire reports | 5/26/2017, 2:33 p.m.
Callista Gingrich, the wife of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, is expected to be nominated by President Trump as the …

Callista Gingrich, the wife of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, is expected to be nominated by President Trump as the next ambassador to the Vatican.

A devout Catholic, Ms. Gingrich, 51, is the third wife of the 2012 Republican presidential hopeful. They met when he was House Minority Whip and she was working in the office of former GOP Rep. Steve Gunderson of Wisconsin. She worked as a clerk in the House Committee on Agriculture until 2007.

She is a successful children’s book author and has served as president of the couple’s production company, Gingrich Productions, which has made documentaries and historical films.

She told the Christian Broadcasting Network in a 2011 interview that she has “always been a very spiritual person.”

Her husband was a close ally of President Trump during the presidential campaign and was considered for a cabinet position, but decided against taking a role in the administration.

Soon after the inauguration, Newt Gingrich told CNN that President Trump was considering his wife to be the ambassador to the Holy See.

The U.S. Senate must confirm her nomination.