
Crusade for Voters hosts 61st anniversary banquet

9/29/2017, 6:08 a.m.
A congressman and a candidate for statewide office will be the featured speakers at a banquet celebrating the Richmond Crusade …

A congressman and a candidate for statewide office will be the featured speakers at a banquet celebrating the Richmond Crusade for Voters’ 61st anniversary, it has been announced.

Speakers: U.S. Rep. A. Donald McEachin, D-4th, and Justin Fairfax, the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor.

Time and date: 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7.

Location: Fellowship Hall of Cedar Street Baptist Church of God, 2301 Cedar St. in Church Hill, according to Bernice Travers, president of the Crusade for Voters, the oldest and largest African-American political group in the Richmond area.

“Our speakers fit well with the theme of our banquet, ‘The Power of the Vote in These Critical Times,’ ” Ms. Travers said.

“Since 1956, the Crusade has sought to mobilize black voting power. And we continue to that effort because the struggle for equality continues.”

The event also will include the music of Debo Dabney and Glennroy Bailey.

Tickets are $50.

Details and tickets: Delores Murray, (804) 356-3240, or Ms. Travers, bernicetravers@yahoo.com.