
Trump and chaos

7/26/2018, 6 a.m.
In trying to understand President Trump’s “zero-tolerance” policy on immigration, one has to know the president’s background for his past …

In trying to understand President Trump’s “zero-tolerance” policy on immigration, one has to know the president’s background for his past 72 years.

This is a man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and with his very first breath of air, he was a millionaire.

All of his adult life, all he has known is the real estate business and how to count money.

Then he gets elected president of the United States and he has the entire burden of the world thrust onto his shoulders.

Of course he is in over his head and does and will make many mistakes.

I place the blame for all of this chaos out of the White House on the American voters who elected this man. They put a man into the White House who doesn’t have a clue about being the leader of the free world or world affairs.

