Kavanaugh represents the hijacking of America
10/11/2018, 6 a.m.
After the dramatic fiasco played out in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings two weeks ago, we witnessed the true desperation of the GOP to claim the power of the U.S. Supreme Court.
From the harshly blushed anger, the theatrical tears and the rushed, questionable FBI investigation that avoided more than 40 pertinent witnesses, we watched helplessly as protests, calls, letters and face-to-face confrontations with congressional representatives fell on deaf ears.
Why these representatives thought it was a competent decision for them to ignore or avoid their constituents and other concerned voices continues to perplex me as well as others. I’m going to assume they are thinking there won’t be any consequences for their detrimental actions, or that there is nothing people can or will do about their inconsiderate and callous choice.
Unfortunately, we have led these representatives to think the American people don’t care about our freedoms and choices because we allowed Congress to hijack America. We have allowed Congress to continually make insensitive and devastating decisions that have negatively impacted many.
This has happened by people not turning out to vote, not vigorously challenging their choices and not making Congress accountable for their questionable actions.
We can take back America and make it great again by voting, registering people to vote, volunteering, getting involved and staying informed.
No one can handle your business better than you!
Stay woke and vote on Nov. 6.
North Chesterfield County