
Support for NAACP 1st Thursday Town Hall series

1/18/2019, 6 a.m.
The modern-day NAACP is to be applauded for its creativity in developing the NAACP 1st Thursday Town Hall Meeting Series …

The modern-day NAACP is to be applauded for its creativity in developing the NAACP 1st Thursday Town Hall Meeting Series which began in October. 

The events are scheduled on the first Thursday of every month throughout 2019 and are held at 6:30 p.m. at Third Street Bethel AME Church in Downtown.

In conducting regular town hall meetings on the first Thursday of each month, citizens in Central Virginia and other areas are able to get in-depth information and details about the latest news in an unfiltered way. Attendees are also able to express their ideas and opinions about the topics that are being presented.

As an example of topics offered, January’s town hall was the introduction of the Energy From God Bill, HB 1902, that is being discussed in the 2019 Virginia General Assembly. Greatly a creation of NAACP leaders and joined by many others, HB 1902 represents a true win-win for everyone in allowing the use of existing funds derived from overcharging customers of Virginia’s largest utility companies to help propel the widespread use of renewable energy — solar energy — all across Virginia.

If the bill is approved, churches, other religious institutions and public schools, along with certain local governments — particularly in economically hard-hit areas that need help the most — will be able to get grant funding, no repayment needed, to install solar energy systems that will help reduce their monthly power bills.

I urge every pastor, faith leader, congregation member, PTA members, school board members and superintendent across Virginia to call their legislators and tell them to make sure the Energy from God Bill, HB 1902, gets their yes vote when it comes up for consideration.

In continuing the NAACP’s efforts to be on the cutting edge of public discourse, the Feb. 7 town hall topic will be “How Corporate Money Influences Politics in Virginia.” 

Given all that is going on right now, it promises to be a very hot topic and of great interest to all citizens and voters in our area.

As a longtime NAACP member and past president of the Richmond Branch NAACP, I applaud today’s younger, more progressive NAACP leaders for being forward thinking and truly purposeful in their approach in advocating for the rights of citizens all across Virginia.

Everyone should mark their calendars and plan to attend.



The writer is the state adviser to the Virginia State Conference NAACP’s Youth and College Division.