
Richmond NAACP to host Housing Justice Symposium May 18

5/18/2019, 6 a.m.
Concerned about rising rents and the hardships people face in finding an affordable place to live?

Concerned about rising rents and the hardships people face in finding an affordable place to live?

That will be the focus of a Housing Justice Symposium sponsored by the Richmond Branch NAACP from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at the Main Library, 101 E. Franklin St., it has been announced.

“Housing is a human right. But for too many families, that right is far from a reality,” the announcement states. “Rents are rising, landlords are getting richer while tenants are living on the brink of eviction and inadequate housing is affecting the mental and physical well being of our communities.”

Organizers said the symposium will be the opening event, with follow-up programs to be held to address potential solutions.

The event is open to the public without charge.

Details: alorah1675@icloud.com.