
Protect gun rights in upcoming General Assembly session

8/6/2020, 6 p.m.
Democratic members of the Virginia General Assembly do not want honest, law-abiding African-Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights to …

Democratic members of the Virginia General Assembly do not want honest, law-abiding African-Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights to own a firearm.

This is not new. Their racist agenda, which dates to the days of slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow, is disguised as illogical gun control laws labeled as public safety laws. They claim that when honest people no longer have guns, then the thugs, gang-bangers and criminals will stop committing gun-related crime.

It is presumed that African-American legislators go along with this craziness because they enjoy the power and potential that comes with holding elected office. The obscene amounts of money they get from gun grabbers like Mike Bloomberg is a story for another day.

But let’s be clear: Taking away the ability of honest, law-abiding citizens to own guns so they can protect themselves and their loved ones does not deter or reduce crime.

The Second Amendment gives us the means to keep a dictatorial government from abusing us. Without the Second Amendment, our liberties would vanish.

On July 1, several onerous gun control laws that the Democrats passed earlier in the year in General Assembly took effect. The “red-flag” law allows police to confiscate the rightfully and legally owned property of an honest person who has not committed a crime. This law denies an innocent person his or her right to due process, which is defined in the U.S. Constitution.

Another new law that went into effect is the universal background check. Democrats currently don’t know where all the guns are located so, accordingly, they concocted the universal background check law that is a registration scheme to create a database of who owns guns and where the guns are located.

The tactic of gun registration followed by gun confiscation has been practiced before. For example, one of the first things Adolf Hitler did in Nazi Germany was to institute gun registration, which was followed by gun confiscation. The Holocaust followed shortly thereafter. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to be hauled off to an oven or labor camp without a fight.

A special session of the General Assembly will convene on Aug. 18. More gun control laws are being considered, all of which will no doubt be applied unfairly and disproportionately toward people of color. It is very important for people to contact their delegate and senator to tell them not to pass more gun control laws. Tell them to pass more crime control laws. The thugs, gang-bangers and criminals must be taken off the street.

The most important thing you can do to protect your Second Amendment rights is to stop voting for Democrats.

