
Register to vote in Democratic primary

2/7/2020, 6 a.m.
Want to vote in the Democratic presidential primary on Tuesday, March 3?

Want to vote in the Democratic presidential primary on Tuesday, March 3?

Then you must be registered to vote, or update any changes to your registration, by Monday, Feb. 10, according to the Virginia Department of Elections.

In-person absentee voting for the primary election has begun, with voters able to cast ballots at their local voter registrar’s office by Saturday, Feb. 29.

To vote absentee by mail, however, the request for an absentee ballot must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 25, with the ballot returned by Election Day, March 3.

For more information, contact the Virginia Department of Elections at vote.virginia.gov or (800) 552-9745, or your local voter registrar’s office.


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