
Field Day for ham radio operators

6/25/2020, 6 p.m.
On June 27 and 28, thou- sands will be involved in the American Radio Relay League Field Day.

On June 27 and 28, thousands will be involved in the American Radio Relay League Field Day.

Because of the pandemic, more than 40,000 licensed amateur radio operators will set up their temporary stations or operate from their home stations during a virtual ARRL Field Day. During this event, manufacturers show off new technologies — either equipment, antennas or other interesting items — and actively communicate with other operators via their sophisticated equipment.

One key function of amateur radio is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, or ARES, that has stood against major catastrophes such as dangerous weather events or during Sept. 11, 2001. Ham operators, a nickname amateur radio operators have had since 1909, engage in delivering urgent communications throughout the United States from one licensed operator to another, many of whom can operate on emergency generators if necessary.

For more information on amateur radio, visit arrl.org, and on Field Day at www.arrl.org/field-day.

