
Tiger Woods and son Charlie to team up for PNC Championship

Fred Jeter | 12/16/2021, 6 p.m.
Tiger Woods is on golf’s comeback trail, and he’s not traveling alone.
Tiger Woods playing gold with his son, Charlie.

Tiger Woods is on golf’s comeback trail, and he’s not traveling alone.

The 45-year-old Woods and his 12-year-old son, Charlie, will be teammates this weekend for the PNC Championship at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Club in Orlando Dec. 18 and 19.

The father-son event will be televised by NBC and the Golf Channel.

This will be Woods’ first competition since suffering serious leg injuries last February in a California car wreck.

Prior to the accident, Tiger and Charlie played in the PNC last year, finishing seventh, five strokes off the lead.

Woods’ longtime caddy, Joe LaCava, and his son, Joe Jr., will be carrying the bags for the Woodses.

Charlie Woods and his sister, Sam, live with their mother, Elin Nordegren, in Florida, not far from their dad’s home in Jupiter, Fla.

There is Richmond history in the PNC. In 2015, area native Lanny Wadkins and his son, Tucker, won the same event.