
Expect the radical left to ‘start tearing down ... America’

2/4/2021, 6 p.m.
Since Nov. 3, I have spoken to many people who voted for the Biden-Harris ticket. They told me they did …

Since Nov. 3, I have spoken to many people who voted for the Biden-Harris ticket. They told me they did so hoping a woman of color would be in the White House and/or because they personally hate Donald J. Trump.

When pressed for more, no one could tell me what Joe Biden or Kamala Harris stands for or their plans for America.

Let me tell you what I told these voters:

President Biden does not have the physical strength or the mental acuity to perform the job of president. I would not be surprised if he resigns or is removed from office under the 25th Amendment by 2023. In any event, Vice President Harris will be in charge from day one. This means we are going to see the radical left start tearing down traditional America so it can be replaced by a socialist and tyrannical government.

Two things have to happen simultaneously. Our current capitalist economy has to be destroyed and honest citizens must be disarmed. A socialist government cannot be implemented with an armed populace.

How will the economy be destroyed? Easy, by giving people things they have not earned, including but not limited to a guaranteed income without having to work, free college for everyone, free meals, rent subsidies and free drugs.

If you are employed, you can expect your taxes to sky-rocket. It won’t take long for our constitutional republic to collapse. Socialists call our current system of government a democracy. Getting into wars, an open border policy and the emptying of prisons will add to the chaos.

The left is going to continue to do everything it can to erase the Second Amendment. Their goal is for only the military and the police to have firearms. That way, you will not be able to defend yourself against a tyrannical government and hostile mobs roaming the streets, assaulting people and invading homes.

I urge you to buy a gun and learn how to use it. The sooner the better.

I’ll close now with an old proverb that resembles the Biblical verse Jeremiah 5:21: “There are none so blind as those who will not see ...”

