
Harry Hughes, chief schools officer for RPS, is leaving

7/22/2021, 6 p.m.
Harry Hughes, the chief schools officer for Richmond Public Schools, is leaving at the end of July.
Mr. Hughes

Harry Hughes, the chief schools officer for Richmond Public Schools, is leaving at the end of July.

Mr. Hughes, a member of Superintendent Jason Kamras’ leadership team who is the executive manager of school principals, said he wants to return to the front lines in education and work more directly with students and teachers.

“If everything works out as I hope, I will be at an elementary school next year either as a teacher or a dean or instructional coach,” Mr. Hughes said, but he did not specify where.

“That taps into my strengths, as I miss the days of interacting with students while bonding and growing with them,” he said.

Since 2018, Mr. Hughes has initiated social-emotional learning programs within RPS and implemented changes in the division’s code of conduct that were designed to lower suspension rates that disproportionately affect African-American students.

He also oversaw four principal directors to manage the school system’s 44 schools and worked to advance Dreams4RPS, the school system’s five-year strategic plan.

“First and foremost, Harry has improved the system’s culture and climate by establishing the district’s restorative practices and trauma-informed program, which include community circles in every school as well as a great deal of training for teachers,” Mr. Kamras said.

“Harry has been a critical part of the administrative team and will be sorely missed,” the superintendent said.