
Vote on June 8

6/3/2021, 6 p.m.
Tuesday, June 8, is primary day in Virginia.

Tuesday, June 8, is primary day in Virginia.

Voters who haven’t cast their ballots early will go to the polls next Tuesday to choose Democratic candidates for governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general. The winners of the primary will stand for election in this fall’s general election.

On Tuesday, there also are some primary contests for the House of Delegates and for local races, including for com- monwealth’s attorney and sheriff in the city of Richmond.

These primary races are important and we urge voters to get to the polls next week.


Because some candidates running in the primary election may not face a challenger in November’s general election, the winner of the primary will become the office holder.

Such is the case in the Richmond commonwealth’s attorney’s and sheriff’s races. So far, no Republican or independent challengers have filed to run in November. So the primary is your chance to decide who you want to hold those offices come Jan. 1.

It’s also important to vote now because of the widespread assault nationally on voting rights. We need to send a message that we don’t take our constitutionally protected right to vote for granted. By showing up to vote in numbers, we send a clear signal that we will vote in every election and we will challenge any obstacles put in our way.

Our vote is our voice. Please use it on June 8.