
Hope from the ashes

2/17/2022, 6 p.m.
We can only imagine the grief and uncertainty that inundated the children and families of William F. Fox Elementary School …

We can only imagine the grief and uncertainty that inundated the children and families of William F. Fox Elementary School last weekend when they learned their beloved schoolhouse had gone up in flames.

About 75 firefighters battled the blaze that was finally brought under control about 2:44 a.m. Saturday, but not before the roof and upper-story of the 111-year-old building were destroyed.

Hundreds of people, including students’ families, teachers, staff, Principal Daniela Jacobs, Richmond Public Schools and city officials and alumni of The Fan school, visited the site during the weekend, reclaiming memories as they shed tears.

But out of the ashes also sprang hope. Dozens of paper hearts etched with messages of love were placed on the fence around the building. Messages also were drawn in colorful chalk on the sidewalks nearby.

One message, drawn on a big brown rectangle adorned with red and white hearts, read: “FOX is LOVE That’s why this hurts. The answer? More LOVE.”

And that’s what the community has done. In addition to messages, people have gathered supplies and staples and gift cards to be given to teachers for the more than 300 youngsters in kindergarten through fifth grade so that their learning will continue.

While they had a brief hiatus, classes resumed Wednesday online, with Richmond Public Schools providing Chromebooks and lesson plans and lunches so that no one will be left behind by this tragedy.

In a special meeting of the School Board Wednesday night, Superintendent Jason Kamras said Clark Springs Elementary in Randolph is the top choice for relocating the Fox students. Virginia Commonwealth University, churches and nonprofits also have stepped forward to offer space for classes to be held. The former Saint Gertrude High School, which is located nearby on Stuart Avenue in The Fan, also is under consideration.

We applaud the people who have shared resources and shown their support during this time of need. And we encourage Richmond area residents to continue their generosity and support for the Fox Elementary family in the days and weeks to come.

We also ask that people not forget other RPS students who, while they may not have been directly affected by the fire, could use the outpouring of love just as much.

It is important, not only in times of disaster and pandemic, to give love and encouragement to our students and teachers, but to offer that spirit and reassurance to our city’s young people year round. Who knows how many people may be heartened and inspired by even the smallest of gestures.