
County voters approve bond issue for building, expansion projects

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 11/10/2022, 6 p.m.
Voters in Chesterfield and Henrico counties overwhelmingly approved the plans of each county to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars …

Voters in Chesterfield and Henrico counties overwhelmingly approved the plans of each county to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars for school, public safety, parks, libraries and other infrastructure needs.

More than 75 percent of the voters in Chesterfield endorsed a plan to sell bonds to borrow up to $540 million.

The biggest slice, $375 million, will be used to build or expand schools, including a new high school in the county’s growing western side. The county also is proposing to borrow to replace four fire stations and improve four police stations; to build a new library and expand and replace two others; and to upgrade recreation and park facilities.

In Henrico, each of the four parts of a proposed bond package totaling $511.35 million was approved by 8 to 2 margins or better.

The lion’s share of the borrowed money, $340.5 million, is earmarked to build two new schools and renovate, rebuild or expand six other school buildings, according to the county.

The county also received voter authorization to borrow another $170.85 million to improve fire and police stations, upgrade parks and recreation facilities and improve storm drainage and flood protection.