
Only $21M to rename military bases?

9/1/2022, 6 p.m.
I’m glad that no one saw my stunned deer-in-headlight face after I recently read an editorial regarding the quoted sticker-price …

I’m glad that no one saw my stunned deer-in-headlight face after I recently read an editorial regarding the quoted sticker-price of $21M for renaming our military bases, but believe it or not, I do have a suggestion!

Our governmental leaders should try and appeal to the advocacy of celebrities by establishing a ‘GOFUNDME’ (campaign) to pose as an eye-catching, modern-day movement.

Ultimately persuading them to pony-up the $21M price tag as financial philanthropists on behalf of all taxpayers, since white supremacist hypocrisy is condemned nowadays.

However, as penurious are normally the sacrificial lambs, I am almost certain that my recommendation would not pass muster with the affluent, opulent and wealthy celebs.


Henrico County