
How long will we accept excuses from the top?

9/8/2022, 6 p.m.
I see that SOL scores remain low for Richmond Public Schools. I see that there were various excuses why the …

I see that SOL scores remain low for Richmond Public Schools. I see that there were various excuses why the SOL scores were low. Illness, isolation, and trauma were faulted for these dismal test results.

Anyone can make excuses, but being held accountable is the key. I know the mayor stated it would be a mistake firing Superintendent Jason Kamras, but my feeling is the buck has to stop somewhere.

When things continue to go downhill, you usually start with changing leadership.

How long will we continue to accept excuses from the top and get dismal results from our students on SOL testing?

A strategy has to be developed to get the most of our students in the timeframe allowed. Yes, we can kick around 12-month school, but in the time allotted what are our students being taught? I will simply say if the school administration feels that the teachers need to re-programmed so that our students can do well, let's do it.

Year after year our students not doing well on the SOL tests is mind-blowing to me. If this trend continues, accountability must be enforced. We must look at our leadership and make some tough decisions on who should been those positions.

