
Needs assessment survey seeking ways to serve senior adults

9/22/2022, 6 p.m.
The Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services has contracted with Polco to seek the public’s input on its Community …

The Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services has contracted with Polco to seek the public’s input on its Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults (CASOA).

CASOA responses will help shape the next State Plan for Aging Services Oct. 1, 2023 – Sept. 30, 2027, which guides Virginia’s implementation of Older Americans Act programs and services to coordinate a statewide response that meet the needs of older Virginians.

Selected Virginia residents will receive a postcard in advance to notify them about the survey. Respondents can complete the survey online or through a paper copy mailed to them with a postage-paid return envelope. The online survey will be available in Arabic, English, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese.

People who receive the survey are encouraged to participate. Polco’s strict privacy policy allows for only anonymous, combined results to be shared. Participants’ individual data and responses are never shared.

People who do not receive a survey will still be able to provide feedback later this fall when DARS opens the online survey to all older adults. More information will be shared in the coming weeks through DARS, its network of 25 Area Agencies on Aging and other community partners.

The findings from the needs assessment will enable state agencies, local governments, community-based

organizations, the private sector and other community members to better understand and predict the services and resources required to serve older Virginians and their caregivers.

“This survey will help the department identify priorities for the next four years,” said DARS Deputy Commissioner Marcia DuBois. “The CASOA survey presents a novel and exciting opportunity for us to hear from older Virginians and we hope those who are invited to participate will feel comfortable and interested in doing so.”

For more information or if you need assistance with the survey, contact the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services at (804) 662-9310 or visit www.dars.virginia.gov