
America’s ‘hands off’ treatment of illegal immigration creates crime

1/25/2024, 6 p.m.
David W. Marshall is correct in his editorial that America is having major problems coping with crime, immigration and sanctuary …

David W. Marshall is correct in his editorial that America is having major problems coping with crime, immigration and sanctuary cities. The solution would be to follow the Constitution in allowing only legal immigration.

At this writing we the people know not whois entering our borders and challenging our national sovereignty. Crime increases are due to culture, judges, police being intimidated and allowing sanctuary cities with a “hands off” treatment concerning bad behavior and illegal immigration. The problems will expand if and when we do not face our weak position in public safety which is America’s No. 1 responsibility.

May God bless this free land of the United States before it’s too late. America has a stark choice between freedom or chaos!


Henrico County