
City addresses sewer pipe leaks along James River

Free Press staff report | 7/25/2024, 6 p.m.
The City of Richmond is working with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to address two separate sewer leak incidents …

The City of Richmond is working with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to address two separate sewer leak incidents that occurred this month along the Tredegar Pipeline Trail.

The first leak, reported July 2, was attributed to heavy rainfall and exacerbated by a stormwater connection from a nearby commercial property.

City officials state this incident was reported to DEQ within 24 hours as required and has since been closed by the department.

A second leak was reported July 15, prompting an immediate response from the City. Repairs are ongoing for this incident.

The Virginia Department of Health has issued a Recreational Water Advisory for the James River from Manchester Bridge to Osborne Landing.

Officials continue to monitor water quality and will lift the advisory when bacteria levels are deemed safe for recreational contact.

Richmond’s Department of Public Utilities is implementing both short-term and long-term solutions to address the 42-inch failed pipe in the combined sewer system. Short-term measures include installation of inflatable plugs to isolate the damaged section, application of a temporary patch using epoxy and steel plates, and isolation of the damaged line segment.

Long-term plans involve a more permanent solution, which will require extensive engineering design due to the pipe’s elevated position above the river.

City officials report repair efforts have faced challenges due to the pipe’s location and the complexity of the damage. Work on welding metal flanges to isolate the pipe ends is expected to begin in early August.

The city continues to meet regularly with DEQ and VDH to coordinate repair efforts and monitor environmental impacts. Further updates will be provided as the situation develops.