
Richmond City Council approves resolution to improve internet access

George Copeland Jr. | 9/12/2024, 6 p.m.
Richmond City Council unanimously approved a resolution aimed at bridging the digital divide across the city. The “Digital Equity Implementation …

Richmond City Council unanimously approved a resolution aimed at bridging the digital divide across the city. The “Digital Equity Implementation Plan,” passed on Monday evening, declares high-speed gigabit internet a “public necessity for all residents” and outlines steps to improve access citywide.

The resolution is patroned by 1st District Councilmember Andreas Addison, 5th District Councilmember Stephanie Lynch, 8th District Councilmember Reva Trammell and City Council Vice President Ann-Frances Lambert of the 3rd District. It was introduced at the City Council Monday, July 22, meeting and was referred to the Governmental Operations Standing Committee, who recommended it for approval two days later.

As part of the resolution, the chief administrative officer will develop a strategy for universal broadband access for all Richmond residents and business owners. A major part of this plan will involve creating a “digital connectivity map” of the city’s vertical assets, infrastructure and existing fiber networks.

The resolution also cites “market failures” and the shift toward digital services during the pandemic for creating or exposing inequities in internet access that must be addressed, particularly for communities of color.

“The Council believes that residents would benefit from digital inclusion efforts that provide educational and training programs that would bridge the digital divide across Richmond’s neighborhood,” the resolution reads in part.

The resolution will be further explored during the next City Council meeting Monday, Sept. 23.