

If you’re truly pro-life, you should be anti-gun, by Tony Campolo

In 2022, 48,204 Americans were killed by guns, which are now the leading cause of death among children and teens. Our gun deaths have come to define us in the eyes of the world. You might even say that guns …

Rewinding a Reckoning

When police officers murdered Minneapolis resident George Floyd in 2020, and America went through what some people called a “racial reckoning,” a portion of the population seemed ready to have that “talk” about power and privilege that they had been …

Pick your shots

The sudden rise in the popularity of the WNBA seems to have caught the usual commentators on television and the internet off guard. For many of them, this a new game, although the league has been around since 1996. But …

Reparations program accused of being discriminatory, by Clarence Page

News that a conservative non-profit legal group is challenging Evanston, Ill.’s groundbreaking reparations program got me thinking about the many attempts to redress the wrongs of systemic racism through monetary compensation.

CO2 pipelines a bad deal — follow the money, by Ben Jealous

“Isn’t it sad that money controls everything?”

Black woman’s bid to buy Virginia Beach home faces illegal barrier, echoes of the past, by Roger Chesley

People who overstate the racial progress America has witnessed over the past several decades need to be reminded, every so often, of the discrimination that still lurks in housing, education, employment and the like. An African-American woman’s quest to buy …

The high cost of housing discrimination

Last week’s report by HOME of VA (Housing Opportunities Made Equal) on discriminatory practices in the Richmond housing market is a sobering document. It confirms the thoughts, feelings and vibes that African Americans experience when we attempt to find a …

Honoring the past

We have an important update regarding how we write our stories at the Richmond Free Press. We’ve decided to stop using courtesy titles like “Dr.,” “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” or “Ms.”

Project 2025 is an attack on Black people, by Julianne Malveaux

Project 2025 is a conservative manifesto if a Republican is elected president in 2024. Crafted by the Heritage Foundation, the 900-page book comprehensively addresses every agency that the president can influence, with suggestions for the agencies that should be eliminated …

Alito sullies integrity of high court, by Marc H. Morial

“Professional baseball would never allow an umpire to continue to officiate the World Series after learning that the pennant of one of the two teams competing was flying in the front yard of the umpire’s home. Nor would an umpire …

Danger: Trump moves from man to symbol

Last week’s historic verdict is worth rehearsing. On May 30, Donald J. Trump became the first former president to be convicted of a crime. Twelve ordinary citizens unanimously found him guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in …

Saying the quiet part online

They say when you’re job hunting, you should keep in mind that when a company lists qualifications and requirements on a job posting, it’s a “wish list.” Recruiters know there’s a chance only a few applicants will fit the exact …

Registering concern

Political forces are at work to erode the public’s.trust in our institutions and processes. Maybe you’ve heard them claiming that the elections that their side lost weren’t legitimate or are part of some kind of conspiracy.

America’s growing literacy problem, by David W. Marshall

The 2024 graduation season is upon us, and it represents a proud milestone in the lives of teenagers. Each year, middle school students graduate and then transition into high school. The same is true of many high school students who …

Credibility crisis at the Supreme Court, by Clarence Page

As if suspicions, partisan and otherwise, have not dealt enough blows to our criminal justice system in recent years, along comes Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s flag flap.