With 154 apartment units in Jackson Ward in various stages of completion after 16 months of construction, residents in the Richmond Re-development and Housing Authority’s nearby Fay Towers in Gilpin Court are being prepped to move in during the coming weeks. At least 72 units in new $33 million complex bounded by 1st, 2nd, Jackson and Duval streets are earmarked for Fay Towers residents. The remaining 82 units in the complex are to be rented to anyone interested. Replacement of Fay Towers, a 200-unit high rise located at 1202 N. 1st St., began in 2016 when 77 households were moved into a renovated school building in Highland Park. The final phase, redevelopment of the former Baker Elementary School into 51 apartments, is still on hold. The Community Preservation
and Development Corp., which is undertaking the Fay Towers replacement in partnership with the RRHA, began advertising for subcontractors for the Baker School project in September, but has not moved forward.
- 6:48 a.m., 2/9/2025