Frank and Charlotte Strayhorn have celebrated a lot of anniversaries, but their 65th — celebrated during the coronavirus pandemic—is one they’ll always remember. The couple, both 87, were feted Saturday by friends and relatives in a parade of about 50 vehicles that drove by the couple’s home on Edgewood Avenue in North Side to offer con- gratulations. The Strayhorns, who were married in 1955 in Anchorage, Alaska, where he was serving in the military, were set up on the lawn outside their home where they waved and talked with the
caravan of well-wishers. The Strayhorns’ sons, Ronald, Peter and Michael Strayhorn, had planned a 65th anniversary party but then COVID-19 hit. So with all three living out of state in COVID- 19 hotspots, they arranged the celebration with the help of cousins living in the Richmond area.
- 8:41 p.m., 3/4/2025