

Sheba Williams, founder of Nolef Turns, and Rob Poggenklass, executive director of Justice Forward Virginia, speak at the July 15 expungement workshop.

Sheba Williams, founder of Nolef Turns, and Rob Poggenklass, executive director of Justice Forward Virginia, speak at the July 15 expungement workshop.

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Tease photo

Library workshop details new laws about expungement reform

At age 19, John Campbell III, was convicted of highway robbery and sentenced to 25 years in prison with 10 years suspended. After his first release, he was in and out of prison 10 times. Now 74 years old, he has not been back to prison since 2005, he said. Mr.Campbell’sconvictionofhighwayrobbery is the one offense that bars him from opportuni- ties to advance, he said. He receives disability benefits and seeks jobs where he can counsel others in situations similar to his. However, he has been dismissed from these jobs as soon as employers learn about his conviction, he said. Mr. Campbell was among nearly two dozen