Many driving by the corners of Staples Mill and Mountain Roads in Glen Allen have been watching and wondering what is this building going up on the 12 acres since April 13, 2020. There was a private groundbreaking with just a few church leaders because of the timing of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions then in place.
The answer: It is the Richmond Virginia Temple, the 177th operating temple of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints and the first in Virginia. The architecture of the temple is a blend of Georgian, Federal and Jeffersonian architecture that are adapted from European styles. Since the Temple is quite exquisite from the outside and it causes many to imagine what it looks like on the inside, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints typically provides an open house for the communities in which they build their temples for free guided tours. The public open house is from March 25 through April 15, 2023, except for Sundays and on Saturday, April 1. The official dedication will take place May 7, 2023.
A local Church spokesperson says this temple will serve at least 40,000 members from Virginia and West Virginia. This does not mean forty thousand people will be in attendance at one time. Around the state there are numerous church buildings where members of the church attend their regular Sunday services. This property also has a smaller red building that will serve as an area meeting house.
Temple talking points Property size: 12 acres. Building size: 39,202 square feet.
Building Height: 164 feet, 9. Inches, including the statue of the Book of Mormon prophet Moroni.
Architect: The Richardson Deign Partnership.
Church architect: Lanny Herron.
Cost: The Church does not discuss money with the public.
- 8:41 p.m., 3/4/2025