
Personality: Dan Fellows

Spotlight on Richmond Ambulance Authority innovator and award winner

3/17/2016, 10:45 p.m.
Dan Fellows, fleet manager for the Richmond Ambulance Authority will go as far as the sun to ensure the highest …

Dan Fellows, fleet manager for the Richmond Ambulance Authority will go as far as the sun to ensure the highest quality of service for the residents of Richmond.

The Richmond native stood out among 60 finalists to receive top honors for his innovative use of solar energy to supplement the electrical needs of ambulances. He is responsible for the design and day-to-day operations of RAA’s fleet of 40 ambulances.

His above-and-beyond dedication was recognized at the national 2016 EMS Today Conference by the Journal of Emergency Medical Services.

The EMS10 Award, presented Feb. 24 at the conference in Baltimore, recognizes 10 individuals who have found ways to improve clinical or operational practices in the EMS industry.

One of the issues EMS workers face in the field is keeping onboard electronics like communications systems and computers charged when the ambulance is away from a power plug. To keep all of these systems charged and ready, ambulance engines have to idle constantly. This puts a strain on the engine and electrical system, and significantly increases fuel costs.

“We first tried generators and standard electric cabling,” explains Mr. Fellows. “Solar seemed to be the best possible solution to the problem.”

Based on his recommendation, RAA agreed to install solar panels on one of their ambulances. After working through the logistics of mounting and wiring the panels to the vehicle, they soon discovered that solar energy could in fact power the ambulance’s entire electrical system.

Mr. Fellows performed a yearlong evaluation to collect data on the efficiency of solar power in ambulances before the entire fleet was converted. The cost savings and positive environmental impact proved to be a winning combination. While the solar panels don’t generate enough energy to allow trucks to be completely turned off between calls, the ambulance engine only powers heating and air conditioning systems. The solar panels power all of the electronics.

Even with the overwhelming success of his idea, he admits that his nomination was a complete surprise.

“I was in disbelief when I received the email congratulating me on being nominated for the award,” says Mr. Fellows. This combination of diligence and humility has defined Mr. Fellows 20-year career with RAA — qualities that have not gone unnoticed by the organization’s leadership.

“Dan is a creative manager who is constantly looking for solutions to improve efficiency,” says RAA CEO Chip Decker. “The solar panels on our ambulances have led to noticeable cost reductions. We are proud of Dan and happy to see him recognized on a national level.”

This is the third EMS10 Award for the RAA. The latest award makes RAA one of only two EMS organizations in the United States to be recognized with three such awards. The other three-time winner is MedStar, which is based in Fort Worth, Texas.

So what’s next for RAA’s 2016 great innovator?

“I’ll continue to collect data and continue to develop more efficient emergency vehicles,” Mr. Fellows says. Here’s this week’s innovative Personality, Dan Fellows:

Date and place of birth: September 1972 in Richmond.

Current place of residence: Henrico County.

Education: Nashville Auto Diesel College.

Family: Wife, Kristin Fellows.

How I received news that I was the award recipient: I received an email congratulating me on being nominated and winning an EMS10 innovator of the year award.

First reaction: Disbelief. What was it I had done to deserve this award?

Meaning of award to me: Honored and humbled to know my accomplishments and hard work were being recognized and to be included in such an exclusive group of industry innovators.

How I was nominated: By Rob Lawrence, chief operating officer of the Richmond Ambulance Authority. I later discovered that there were 60 finalists, which were narrowed to 10 winners.

What influenced your idea to use solar power: We had a vehicle that was parked in a location where power to maintain its electronic systems was not available. Solar seemed to be the best possible solution to the problem. After installation and gathering of data, the solar solution worked well and even provided a small charge under the streetlight where it was parked.

List other energy sources tested: Generators and standard electric cabling were considered. Solar offered the only solution that did not require construction the addition of electrical circuits or the use of fuel.

What equipment benefits from using solar energy: The solar panels charge the vehicle batteries, directly providing for an offset of the vehicle’s electronic systems draw and reducing wear and damage to vehicle batteries and alternator. Also, the additional power produced allows the engine to idle normally when posted in the EMS system instead of running at an increased idle to maintain the battery charge, thus reducing fuel use.

What I do on my job: As fleet manager, I supervise the maintenance, construction, inventory and disposal of all Richmond Ambulance Authority fleet assets, including collection of data, managing of fleet staff, root cause analysis of preventative maintenance and repairs to gain efficiencies and reduce cost while providing a stable, effective fleet.

What’s most satisfying about it: Knowing the work done in the fleet department has a direct impact for the providers and patients. Being able to look into vehicle systems, test and develop new processes to better EMS.

When and why I joined the Richmond Ambulance Authority: I first came to RAA in 1995 after working in local automotive shops to have the opportunity to work on emergency vehicles and the specific systems within them.

Most memorable situation: Being told by a supervisor I seem to have a knack for trying to find ways to control the uncontrollable.

Benefits to Richmond from RAA: World-class EMS. RAA has a global reputation for high-performance EMS and great clinical outcomes. Additionally, RAA conducts research which benefits the whole EMS world as well as the City of Richmond.

Services provided: 911 emergency response and non-emergency transport and community outreach services.

How I start my day: By reviewing in my mind the obstacles before me and working through plans on how to overcome them knowing all can be overcome when I continue to have a positive outlook and drive to see the process succeed.

How I unwind: Spending time with my wife, gardening, working on home projects and cooking.

I place top value on: Humility, knowing I do not have all the answers, but the answer is out there somewhere; I just need to find it.

Best late-night snack: String cheese!

Best time of my life: Meeting my best friend, my wife.

Favorite recreational activity: Traveling and RV camping and refurbishing my 1958 RV.

Greatest source of inspiration: History and science channels. I’m inspired by how discoveries have been made and the process to find new ones.

If I have learned one thing in life, it is: Never stop trying to reach your goals. The value of what you do is determined by how hard you work toward it.