
Personality: Johnnie E. Hagans

Spotlight on president of Military Retirees Club Inc.

11/11/2016, 11:01 p.m.
Johnnie E. Hagans says joining the military was the biggest chance he ever took. And he’s glad he did. He …

Johnnie E. Hagans says joining the military was the biggest chance he ever took. And he’s glad he did. He urges young people to consider the military as an option.

“Military life is a very demanding lifestyle,” Mr. Hagans says, adding that it has benefits. “It offers people the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures.”

The Louisiana native joined the Army in 1972 with two friends through a buddy program that allowed up to five friends to enlist and train together.

That spirit of friendship has never left him. He is the president of the 75-member Military Retirees Club Inc. of Richmond. The organization is dedicated to maintaining a “sense of comradeship among military retirees” in the Richmond area while helping member veterans strengthen their bonds with the community.

The organization will be celebrating Veterans Day from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, at their clubhouse, 2220 Sledd St. in North Side.

Established nationally in 1938, Veterans Day honors “America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good,” according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Mr. Hagans believes this focus on common good is what has given the Richmond organization longevity.

The club was founded in 1972 by several African-American veterans from Richmond. It provides community programming, direct support to Richmond Public Schools’ Franklin Military Academy and relief programs to city residents. Mr. Hagans’ term as president is two years, succeeding Webster Ballard.

Mr. Hagans believes there is something unique about military service and civic engagement that should be celebrated. “The Military Retirees Club Inc. of Richmond consists of a lot of guys who share the same values, same experiences, ideas and aspirations,” he said.

“Although you can find those things elsewhere, those same values and a military kinship are something different.” There is only one qualification for membership in the group — at least 20 years of honorable service in the Armed Forces. Mr. Hagans hopes the club’s involvement in the community will continue to grow as it reaches its 45th anniversary in June 2017.

His strategy for this year’s outreach efforts includes continued scholarships, a more robust Thanksgiving program and supporting Reserve Officers’ Training Corps curricula in city schools.

Meet this week’s military minded Personality, Johnnie E. Hagans:

No. 1 volunteer position: President, Military Retirees Club Inc. of Richmond.

Date and place of birth: Aug. 20 in New Orleans.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in liberal arts, Saint Leo College.

Family: Wife, Angie; children, Dannail, 42, Tanisha, 41, Lester, 35, Trya, 12, and Ky-mani, 11.

When and how I got involved with the Military Retirees Club: A co-worker told me about the club in 1998. I was working at the post office on Brook Road, right down the street from the clubhouse. The bingo games there always drew a big crowd and so I gave it a try.

How long an MRC member: 18 years.

Why I wanted to serve as president: MRC is an interesting club. It is a stand-alone club with no hierarchy. Members share the same values and same morals. We all decide which way our ship is going to sail.

My No. 1 goal as MRC president this term: To promote our community involvement and reconnect with the community. We support Franklin Military Academy and we respond when people are in need. We do aid and relief in the community.

MRC’s top challenge today: Stimulating the growth of the organization.

How I plan to meet it: I am planning an open house next year and having a campaign for membership.

What I think when I follow news about the current war: Conflict has existed since biblical times. There has always been conflict. War is fought very differently today. Wars back then involved a vast amount of men. Now with technology and new weapons, there are a lot less men in battle or the involvement of the human element. Will the world be at peace? We’ll never know.  We would hope that one day everyone could get along.

When I retired: In 1992 from Fort Lee.

Rank: Sergeant 1st class.

What I’ve done since retirement: I worked at the post office for 18 years, then retired from that. Currently, I have new additions to my family as a foster parent and work in private security.

Advice to young people considering a military career: Do your due diligence, weigh all of your options before considering the military as opposed to a knee-jerk reaction. You know, you don’t have to do 20 to 30 years like we did, but just enough time to give you the discipline and edge in the workforce and educationally. Too many kids fall victim to not being able to further their education and skills. They may fall into dead-end jobs with no future. Keep the avenue of the military open as an option. It will be a job and an exciting future, the experience you will gain and the status you will attain.

My personal hero: Muhammad Ali. I remember being a kid watching him fight Sonny Liston. Ali knew he was the greatest before the world did. He fought the government and won.

Nobody knows: My inner most secrets, except my wife.

Best advice: Maintain a positive resolve and stay of good moral character.

Best late-night snack: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When I look in the mirror, I see: What my father told me — Get up early, get to work early and be prepared to stay later.

Quality I most admire in another person: Honesty.

Favorite recreational activity: Horseshoes and shooting pool.

If I’ve learned one thing in life, it is: To treat everyone fairly.

Next goal: Retirement from both my work with foster care agencies and my work as a site security supervisor at a T-Mobile call center in the West End. I’d also like to travel and see more of the United States.