
Free CPR instruction on Monday

9/30/2016, 8:42 a.m. | Updated on 9/30/2016, 8:41 a.m.
Do you know how to give CPR to someone whose heart stops? VCU Health wants to make sure you do …

Do you know how to give CPR to someone whose heart stops?

VCU Health wants to make sure you do because cardiopulmonary resuscitation can double or triple the chance of survival.

The health system has announced it will offer hands-only CPR instruction without charge next week at event it will host with Sports Backers and the American Heart Association.

The program is 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26, at the Sports Backers Stadium, 100 Avenue of Champions, next to The Diamond baseball stadium on The Boulevard, according to VCU Health.

Demonstrations will begin at 6 p.m., including an interactive hands-on experience for families. Participants also are to receive a free CPR Anytime Kit to practice or to teach hands-only CPR to relatives and friends.

Details: (804) 828-7823.