
Malevolence of Section 8 housing laws

4/19/2019, 6 a.m.
The Black Holocaust denies are constantly among us. This is because the Black Holocaust is still going on. It didn’t ...

The Black Holocaust denies are constantly among us. This is because the Black Holocaust is still going on. It didn’t end with slavery or early Jim Crow days. The Section 8 rental law was meant to keep black people from being homeowners. Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers voted for this “help people” law knowing its true purpose.

Much of modern day racism is of the sneaky kind. These Democratic and Republican lawmakers label their racism as “Help People Laws.” This is like labeling a bottle of poison as helpful medicine. They know that they’ll get you to swallow it by mislabeling it.

Look at who owns much property in America today. The equity of these white male landlords continues to grow. Now look at the renters, who are victims of these white male landlords. Black families are being constantly evicted and otherwise abused by these evil white male landlords who are among the biggest Black Holocaust deniers. These greedy white men will talk about how horrible their tenants are instead of how horribly they are treating their tenants. These landlords and their wealth managers will make sure that their tenants can’t afford to buy food and then declare themselves to be great philanthropists by donating to a local food bank — money that they get to deduct from their taxes. They get to look good while doing so much evil.

I call for the repeal of Section 8 rental. I call for the recall of racist white lawmakers who want to keep laws in place that deny black families homeownership while using our tax dollars to further enrich these white male landlords and their wealth managers.

Stop buying into their poisonous lies about wanting to help people when they pass such laws. Look at the greedy white males who benefit from such laws. These white lawmakers are driving the getaway car with our tax dollars!

Naomi Gayle Saunders
