
Background checks for elected officials

2/22/2019, 6 a.m.
Where are we as Virginians and Americans that we can strip a man of his reputation, career, family and livelihood …

Where are we as Virginians and Americans that we can strip a man of his reputation, career, family and livelihood based on an accusation that has not been proven in a court of law? 

Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax has been accused of serious crimes and his name will be forever tarnished, regardless of the outcome. His accomplishments as a man and for the Commonwealth will be overshadowed by these proven or unproven acts of his youth. 

In a democracy and under the law, we are innocent until proven guilty. If guilt is proven in a court of law, then we serve whatever sentence is applied.

As citizens we are free to live and work — unless we are convicted or accused of a sex crime. Then we pay for it the rest of our lives.

Often police scare tactics and other inconsistent and discriminatory practices go under the guise of public safety. One look at the Virginia State Police Sex Offender Registry and the Sexually Violent Predator’s Act enacted in Virginia will confirm these unjust practices. Few politicians will stand up to these oppressive and discriminatory practices for fear of appearing sympathetic to people accused and convicted of sex crimes.

It is time we practice what we stand for as citizens of Virginia and the United States and afford equitable justice for all!






The writers are with the Just Future Project, a part of nonprofit Nation Inside’s mission to end mass incarceration.