
‘Hill of Heroes’

Cityscape: Slices of life and scenes in Richmond

6/14/2019, 6 a.m.
Nearly 12,000 flags fill the “Hill of Heroes” at the Virginia War Memorial on Belvidere Street. Planted by nearly 80 …

Nearly 12,000 flags fill the “Hill of Heroes” at the Virginia War Memorial on Belvidere Street. Planted by nearly 80 volunteers next to the Shrine of Memory, the flags recall the Virginians killed in conflicts since the start of World War II in 1941. The display was put in place ahead of the war memorial’s celebration of Flag Day on Saturday, June 15. The 10 a.m. public program will mark the 242nd anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the nation’s official flag. While Friday, June 14, is the actual anniversary of the 1777 adoption, the Virginia memorial moved its event to the weekend to garner a bigger audience. U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger, 7th District, is to deliver the keynote address. The ceremony also will include the ceremonial burning of retired flags and a tribute to the Omori Flag that captured Americans created during World War II while interned in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp.