
Trump’s claims of privilege are above the law

1/17/2020, 6 a.m.
Re Editorial “Trump, Iran and answers,” Free Press Jan. 9-11 edition: The GOP has supported Number 45 for three years ...

Re Editorial “Trump, Iran and answers,” Free Press Jan. 9-11 edition:

The GOP has supported Number 45 for three years in his move to destroy the country. The killing of a contractor in Iraq who made good money for working in a danger zone is not the basis for WWIII. What about the many lives of members of the military who were lost and are going to be lost?

I took an oath to defend this country and the U.S. Constitution. Now we have the worst secretary of state in history, some of the worst Republican senators in Washington and many less intelligentAmericans supporting the runaway destruction of the country. Who will be President Trump’s coalition after he bombs Iran? Not NATO, because he has tried to destroy NATO in favor of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Maybe Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, Venezuela and Russia?

President Trump has failed in his attempts at “playing chicken” with North Korea, China and Mexico. Everything he does is about self- aggrandizement, with the common denominator being oil in his deals with Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the Iraqi Kurds, Libya and Venezuela.

How can Republicans and others in Washington sleep at night after these three years of a disgusting performance by President Trump?

In America, the law is supposed to be king, but Number 45 has claimed privileges for himself that no other president has done. It is an affront to the U.S. Constitution to claim you are above the law.

