
Moving on

8/5/2021, 6 p.m.
We hope the results of the probe announced last week by Special Prosecutor Timothy A. Martin will put to rest …

We hope the results of the probe announced last week by Special Prosecutor Timothy A. Martin will put to rest any notions of impropriety or wrongdoing in the removal of the Confederate statues from Richmond.

The results showed that Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s actions and those by city officials were legal and all above board in securing the contract to take those racist monstrosities down.

Unfortunately, it took untold hours by the State Police, Mr. Martin and others, and an untold amount of taxpayers’ money for a small sector of the city to learn what most people already knew — that no corruption or political payback was involved.

We believe the probe was politically motivated, led by former Richmond City Councilwoman Kim B. Gray and her minions, who glommed onto any device to try to unseat the mayor during last year’s re-election campaign.

We expected more from Ms. Gray, a very apt and caring council member and, before that, a solid member of the Richmond School Board.

However, if it takes such time and money for all city residents — particularly the voters — to be assured that all is right in Richmond, then so be it.

We all know the truth now, so let’s move on.