
‘From monument desecration to grave robbing’

7/29/2021, 6 p.m.
Re “Wrinkle in removal: City doesn’t own Confederate Gen. A.P. Hill’s statue,” Free Press July 22-24 edition:

Re “Wrinkle in removal: City doesn’t own Confederate Gen. A.P. Hill’s statue,” Free Press July 22-24 edition:

It looks like the rulers of Richmond have run into a “wrinkle” with the removal of the A.P. Hill monument.

Now, while schools and infrastructure are crumbling and the homeless roam the streets, these philistines have gone from monument desecration to grave robbing— not a far plummet, and certainly not out of character for them and their minions, by any means.

But as Edmund Burke said of the French Revolutionaries, sans-culottes, Jacobins and others whose character is incapable of rising above the baseness of the mobs, “You are gibbeting the carcass while your house is the haunt of robbers.” It speaks volumes.

